Special Article
Edward Norton(エドワード・ノートン)Actor / UN Goodwill Ambassador for Biodiversity
俳優 / 生物多様性国連親善大使
Acclaimed actor and conservation activist Edward Norton was designated as United Nations Goodwill Ambassador for Biodiversity by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in 2010, the International Year of Biodiversity.
One of his top priorities as Goodwill Ambassador is to increase "people's focus on the fact that human well-being is intertwined fundamentally with biodiversity," He said on the appointment. It is vital that "people realize that they are not separate from the web of life," he added. "Our ability to thrive as a species and as a civilization totally depends on that web of life."
彼は、親善大使の任命に際して、最優先事項は「人間の生活は根本的に生物多様性と絡み合っているという事実に、もっとみんなに注目してもらうこと」であり、最も重要なのは「自分たちがいのちの網(web of life)の一部として切り離すことができないということに気づくこと」だと付け加えました。「僕たちがひとつの生物種として、また文明として栄えていけるかどうかは、完全にこのいのちの網にかかっているんだ。」と。
He said that for people of his generation, environmental issues and the connection between human well-being and the web of biodiversity "is incontestably the defining challenge of our era". Indeed, when historians looked back on the early part of the twenty-first century, "they will not judge us on how we handled political hot-button issues, but will asses the era on how we respond to this particular challenge. As a generation, we have to take up this issue as our cause.”
Activities as Goodwill Ambassador/生物多様性国連親善大使としての活動
Since being appointed by the United Nations Secretary General in 2010, he has always been active in efforts to raise awareness on biodiversity.
Not only conveying messages on biodiversity to people in his own words, he paid a three-day visit to Rwanda in February 2011, his first official country-visit since the appointment. Accompanied by the CBD Executive Secretary, the actor met with Prime Minister Bernard Makuza, the Minister of the Environment and Lands, Ambassador Stanislas Kamanzi, and other government officials to learn about work being undertaken in Rwanda to ensure sustainable management of its biodiversity and land resources as a contribution to Rwanda's sustainable development.
In concluding his visit, Mr. Norton said: "As UN Goodwill Ambassador I aim to help people realize and better understand the fundamental importance of biodiversity to economic prosperity, environmental health and our future. The commitment and actions of Rwanda for biodiversity and the environment set inspiring examples to draw on in my advocacy work."
What can we do for biodiversity?/私たちは生物多様性のために何ができるか?
Asked what impact his "star power" would have at the interview on his appointment, Mr. Norton said: "I don't flatter myself to think that things will change immediately just because I'm involved. But by raising public awareness and helping people connect the dots, [・・・] that's a communication challenge where I think I can help. And the more informed people are, the better they can express to their leadership the kinds of choices they want.”
He went on to say that he did not really plan to draw on his skills as an actor "because there are just some issues that we are facing as a global community that transcend what you do in your daily life [・・・] that we need to connect with as world citizens". Indeed, comprehension and education were sometimes about people hearing a narrative they could understand, "and [beyond being an actor] I think through my experience I can articulate a compelling story about biodiversity", he added.
Asked what steps individuals could take to help ease the biodiversity crisis, Mr. Norton said it was easy to talk about energy efficiency, or curbing pollution and toxic waste, but it was more difficult to highlight concrete steps. Yet one "very real and tactile" thing that most people could and should do on their own, and that would have an immediate impact, was to eliminate their use of plastic bags and bottles, he noted, warning: "The way we are delivering plastics into the ecosystem is having pretty devastating effects."
At the same time, Mr. Norton emphasized that many other issues, like deforestation and ocean acidification, would be very difficult to translate and, at any rate, their complexity meant that they would have to be tackled by intergovernmental organizations through international agreements. "That boils down to leadership and how citizens communicate with their leaders to make sure their priorities are highlighted," he said.
In his message on the occasion of International Year of Biodiversity, he wrote "More than ever, humanity needs to reconnect with nature. And we must demand that our leaders accept special responsibility for this. A new vision is urgently needed and the time for action is now – with each of us, without exception, as a family of people, committed to protect life on Earth. "
His message on United Nations Decade on Biodiversity is on YouTube:
≫ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiFrH0_vEf8, Please visit
≫ http://www.cbd.int/ambassador/default.shtml for more information on his activities.
YouTube ≫ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiFrH0_vEf8
活動の情報 ≫ http://www.cbd.int/ambassador/default.shtml